Who is Snicket’s Servant?

ER CrestWhile this blog pays homage to A Series of Unfortunate Events, it is not as sad and depressing as the lives of the Baudelaire orphans.

Definitely not.

This blog is dedicated to reviewing not only books but also some movies, my adventures and misadventures, and the other ravings that come into the head of an English teacher and amusement park manager.

Surely, you will not be disappointed with a healthy dose of randomness and mild insanity? Good.  It is my highest hope that you will enjoy this Underland and visit frequently!  Don’t hesitate to ask questions or think impossible things.  As the White Queen said, “Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”

A post will appear, to be honest, every now and then…  Just keep checking back for more!

                                        You humble blogger,

                                                         Snicket’s Servant


                                                                  – E. R.